
Gunakan 'for' diawali dengan kata benda berikut:
  • untuk pengecekan (amount of money (jumlah uang) )
Example: She gave me a check for $50.
  • suatu permintaan
Example: Unfortunately, there wasn't enough demand for our product.
  • suatu kebutuhan
Example: There is a real need for discipline in this class.
  • suatu alasan
Example: I have a reason for doing that!

Gunakan 'in' diawali dengan kata benda berikut:
  • suatu kenaikan
Example: There has been a rise in prices recently.
  • suatu peningkatan
Example: We have seen many increases in production levels.
  • Jatuhnya sesuatu
Example: There has been a fall in prices recently.
  • suatu penurunan
Example: We have seen many decreases in production levels.

 Gunakan 'of' ' diawali dengan kata benda berikut:
  • suatu penyebab
Example: She is the cause of all his problems.
  • Foto atau gambar dari sesuatu atau seseorang
Example: He took a photograph of the mountains.

Gunakan 'to' diawali dengan kata benda berikut:
  • suatu kerusakan
Example: I did a lot of damage to my car the other day.
  • Undangan untuk sebuah perayaan dari beberapa tipe
Example: We were invited to their wedding.
  • suatu reaksi
Example: Her reaction to his behavior was quite funny.
  • penyelesai masalah
Example: He provided the solution to our financial situation.
  • suatu sikap
Example: Your attitude to your problems doesn't help them get resolved.

   Gunakan 'with' diawali dengan kata benda berikut:
  • Hubungan dengan seseorang atau sesuatu
Example: My relationship with Mary is wonderful.
  • Koneksi dengan seseorang atau sesuatu
Example: His connections with the CIA are very limited.
  • Kontak dengan seseorang atau sesuatu
Example: Have you had any contact with Sarah?

   Gunakan 'betwen' diawali dengan kata benda berikut:
  • koneksi antara 2 hal
Example: There is no connection between the two crimes.
  • hubungan antara 2 hal
Example: The relationship between the two friends was very strong.
  • kontak antara 2 hal
Example: There is little contact between the two parents.
  • perbedaan antara 2 hal
Example: There is no difference between those two colors.

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