
paragraf deskriptif digunakan untuk menggambarkan apa yang seseorang lihat dan seseorang lakukan. Bacalah contoh deskriptif, perhatikan bagaimana paragraf deskriptif disusun dengan menyusun semua kalimat tentang hal yang sama.
Berikut adalah contoh paragraf deskriptif:

I am forty years old, rather tall and I have blue eyes and short black hair. I wear casual clothes as I teach students in a relaxed atmosphere. I enjoy my job because I get to meet and help so many different people from all over the world. During my spare time, I like playing tennis which I play at least three times a week. I also love listening to classical music and I must admit that I spend a lot of money on buying new CDs! I live in a pretty seaside town on the Italian coast. I enjoy eating great Italian food and laughing with the likable people who live here.

Latihan I
Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan tentang diri Anda pada selembar kertas.
* How old are you?
* What do you look like?
* What kind of clothes do you wear? Why?
* What kind of job do you do? Do you like it?
* What are your favorite hobbies? Why do you like them?
* Where do you live?
* Do you like living there? Why or why not?
Latihan II
Sekarang informasi tentang diri telah siap. Selesaikan deskriptif tentang diri Anda dibawah ini.

I am _________ years old, I _________________ (your looks). I wear ________________ because ______________. I am a ______________. I like / don't like my job because _____________________. I enjoy ______________. I often _____________ (describe how often you do your hobby). I also like ________________ (write about another hobby) because ________________. I live in ____________. People in ____________ are ________________ . I enjoy / don't enjoy living in ______________ because ____________.

Tanyakan ke teman Anda pertanyaan yang sama seperti pada latihan I dan tulis paragraf tentang mereka.

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